In the Sync section, set Receive to MIDI Clock and check the Receive box under MIDI Machine Control (MMC).On a PC, go to Edit>Preferences from the top bar.On a Mac, go to MPC>Preferences from the top bar.This section covers syncing an MPC Renaissance or Studio running on one computer in Standalone mode, syncing to another computer running FL Studio. Connect a MIDI cable from an available MIDI OUT of your MIDI interface to an available MIDI IN on your MPC.MPC500 with MIDI Clock and MIDI Machine Control (MMC).
MPC1000 with MIDI Clock and MIDI Machine Control (MMC).MPC5000 and MPC2500 with MIDI Clock and MIDI Machine Control (MMC).This guide covers how to synchronize the tempo of your MPC with FL Studio, with FL Studio as the master. With any piece of music production equipment, accurate timing is very important. FL Studio is a popular and powerful music production software that an Akai MPC complements very well.